Sunday, May 31, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Last Day to Bring Me Yer Treasures

Well, I be gettin' ahead o' meself, since I haven't got much o' yer booty yet. Be gettin' those links in to elitistbastardscarnival@gmail.com by the end o' the day Friday. I plan to have this ship's hold full o' Elitist Bastardry. Don't make me sail over to yer blog and raid ye, now!
For those o' ye wondering what ye should submit, here be the simple requirements:
1. Pick a blog post o' yours that hits the stupid where it hurts.
2. Send it in.
That be it. And I don't want to hear yer excuses - I been readin' yer blogs, and I know each and every one o' ye's already posted some fine elitist bastardry.
I'll see ye all aboard come Saturday, or I'll be boarding ye come Saturday, whichever's required.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Our Captain's Down, but We Sail Yet!

Most o' ye know our Captain George had a wee mishap. He be on the mend, but the doctors have yet to pronounce him fit for duty. That means yer Admiral's taking the helm this voyage. We'll have to be quick about it - I be headin' to Arizona this weekend, and that be no place to sail a ship from!
Get yer Elitist Bastard links to me at elitistbastardscarnival@gmail.com by end o' day Friday. I know it be short notice, but I also know ye've got plenty o' elitist bastardry already posted this month, so ye've nothing to worry about.
See ye on board, me hearties!
Carnival of the Elitist Bastards XII: In Hot Pursuit of the Faux Nouvelle
Dear, oh dear. I see I forgot to cross-post last month's launch announcement. Time to remedy that:

Captain Cujo's launched us on a rousing adventure on the high seas for COTEB XII, me hearties. It be one o' the most exciting sailings we've had yet. Pour yerselves some grog and raise yer glasses in a rousing HUZZAH!
And an equally rousing mea culpa from yer Admiral, Cujo. Ye get extra rum rations next sailing!

Captain Cujo's launched us on a rousing adventure on the high seas for COTEB XII, me hearties. It be one o' the most exciting sailings we've had yet. Pour yerselves some grog and raise yer glasses in a rousing HUZZAH!
And an equally rousing mea culpa from yer Admiral, Cujo. Ye get extra rum rations next sailing!
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