Friday, March 20, 2009

Captains and Submissions Call

The HMS Elitist Bastard won't be wanting for leadership over the next few months. We've some mighty fine Captains taking the helm.

March 28-29 - Z at It's the Thought That Counts

April 25-26 - Cujo359 at Slobber and Spittle

May 30-31 - George at Decrepit Old Fool

June 27-28 - John Pieret at Thoughts in a Haystack

July 25-26 - NP at The Coffee-Stained Writer

August 29-30 - Open

September 26-27 - Open

October 31-Nov. 1 - Open

November 28-29 - Open

December 26-27 - Open
Commands are going fast. Ye'd best get yours while there's still a chance!

If ye're worried ye can't steer a ship as elitist as the HMS Elitist Bastard, ye can put those fears to rest. 'Tis simplicity itself for true Elitist Bastards:
1. Ye must know how to create a hyperlink.

2. Ye bring posts full o' various Elitist Bastardry together in fun and creative ways.

3. Then ye sit back and enjoy the warm glow o' a job well done - or the warmer glow o' rum, whichever's the warmer for ye.
Ye don't even have to muster up a crew - yer Admiral does that for ye. There's still room for five o' ye, so volunteer yerself.

It also be time to get yer submissions in for March's sailing. I know ye've got something suitable, so send me those links no later than Friday, March 27th. Captain Z be expecting ye!

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